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- /* ==================================================== */
- /* Final Writer Arexx Macro - SHADOW BOX */
- /* This macro will draw a black shadow box for the */
- /* current selected objects, (except lines,arrows,arcs, */
- /* shapes and group objects). */
- /* by Terry Wright */
- /* $VER: GfxShadowBox 3.1 (3.10.94) */
- /* © 1994 SoftWood, Inc. */
- /* Use of this macro is strictly at the user's risk. */
- /* ==================================================== */
- Options Results
- /* ------------------------------------ */
- /* Set parameters to be in ruler units. */
- /* ------------------------------------ */
- /* ------------------------------------------- */
- /* These are the offsets for the shadow box */
- /* in micropoints. (720 micropoints = 1 inch) */
- /* ------------------------------------------- */
- XOffset = 45
- YOffset = 45
- /* ------------------------------------------- */
- /* Get the id of the first selected object. */
- /* If there are no objects selected then quit. */
- /* ------------------------------------------- */
- FirstObject SELECTED
- IF ( Result = 0 ) THEN
- /* ------------------------------------------- */
- /* Collect the ids of all the selected objects */
- /* ------------------------------------------- */
- i = 0
- DO WHILE Result ~= 0
- i = i + 1
- ObjId.i = Result
- NextObject ObjId.i SELECTED
- /* ---------------------------------------- */
- /* Loop through all of our objects creating */
- /* a shadow box for each one. */
- /* ---------------------------------------- */
- x = 0
- DO WHILE (x < i)
- x = x + 1
- /* ----------------------------------------- */
- /* Find out the type of the object. We don't */
- /* want to draw a shadow for lines, arrows */
- /* arcs, shapes, or groups. */
- /* ----------------------------------------- */
- GetObjectType ObjId.x
- objtype = Result
- IF (objtype ~= 2 & objtype ~= 3 & objtype ~= 8 & objtype ~= 9 & objtype ~= 10) THEN DO
- /* ---------------------------------- */
- /* Get the coordinates and parameters */
- /* ---------------------------------- */
- GetObjectCoords ObjId.x
- coords = Result
- PARSE VAR coords page left top width height
- GetObjectParams ObjId.x TEXTFLOW FLOWDIST
- params = Result
- PARSE VAR params tflow fdist
- bevel = ""
- IF ( objtype = 5 ) THEN
- bevel = "BEVEL"
- /* ----------------------------- */
- /* Draw the shadow by offsetting */
- /* the left and top values. */
- /* ----------------------------- */
- left = left + XOffset
- top = top + YOffset
- IF ( objtype = 6 ) THEN
- DrawOval page left top width height
- DrawBox page left top width height bevel
- shadowId = Result
- /* -------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Now Set the object parameters keeping the textflow */
- /* flow distance the same as the original object. Set */
- /* fill to solid, lineweight to none and the colors */
- /* to black. Then send the new object to the back. */
- /* -------------------------------------------------- */
- SetObjectParams shadowId TEXTFLOW tflow FLOWDIST fdist LINEWT "None" LINECOLOR "Black" FILL "Solid" FILLCOLOR "Black"
- ObjectToBack shadowId
- SelectObject 0
- Redraw